Featured Resident of the Month – Mary K.

Mary, featured resident for March 2024 newsletter

Mary K. was born and raised in Oconto County. She lived on a farm with her parents and one brother. They raised milking cows, pigs, and other animals. When it was time for the calves to be born, Mary was right there helping her dad! They also had a large garden in the summer. She remembers her dad calling her Pewee. Her Mom was a great cook and made many great foods, but the one thing that Mary loved was her cinnamon rolls. She was married to her husband for 40 years. They have a son and a daughter. They had a hardware store, plumbing business, and Wausau Homes construction business. She enjoyed knitting and made a lot of beautiful afghans. They went on vacations to Yellowstone National Park, the Grand Canyon, and other interesting places.